Bus 1253 and 1624 to Cabo da Roca in Sintra

How to go to Cabo da Roca from Sintra and Cascais on bus 1253 or bus 1624

Bus 1253 in Cabo da Roca

The stop of buses 1253 and 1624 in Cabo da Roca

Bus 1253 of the Carris Metropolitana company makes a circular route in Sintra, stopping in Cabo da Roca, the famous cape marking the westernmost point in Europe. It departs every 20 or 30 minutes (depending on the time of day), seven days a week, from outside Sintra's train station and makes several stops in town before reaching Cabo da Roca, in about 45 minutes. The first journey is at 6:30am and the last one at 8pm.

Another bus, the 1624, which connects Sintra and Cascais, also stops in Cabo da Roca, but it departs from the Portela de Sintra terminal, a short walk from the center of town (for many years, most of this route was covered by bus 403, which was taken out of service in 2023). The 1624 is the most recommended bus to Cabo da Roca because the journey is slightly shorter (about 35 minutes). It also departs every 30 minutes throughout the day. The cape is the main reason tourists take this bus, but it’s also for those based in Sintra and wishing to visit the stunning beach of Ursa or the beaches in Cascais.

There's another bus that runs between the Portela de Sintra terminal and Cascais, the 1623, but it does not stop at Cabo da Roca. It departs just once per hour (sometimes twice, depending on the season), but it's another option if you just want to go to the beaches in Cascais from Sintra. It reaches Cascais in about 40 minutes.

If you’re visiting Sintra or Cascais on a day trip from Lisbon, you won’t have time to go to both destinations. There is simply too much to see, and a significant part of the day would be spent on transportation. Well planned, however, it is possible to make a quick visit to Cabo da Roca, taking the 1624 from either direction. Bus 1623 would be an alternative option for those staying in Sintra and taking a day trip to Cascais, or vice versa.
Tickets are €4.50 and can be bought from the driver.
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